The Hounds Hydro Wellness Shop
Visit us at the Hounds Hydro Wellness Shop
Exciting news - Hounds Hydro has opened a wellness shop for pets. The new shop is located at 2 Arbory street, Castletown.
The Hounds Hydro Wellness Shop is a one stop shop for your dogs and cats health and wellness. We stock a range of fantastic products for your pets including Canagan and Symply pet foods, Emmipet Dental Care, Toys and Accessories, Lifestyle and General pet Care. We are also offering treatments in the shop including teeth cleaning and nail clipping. Come and visit us to speak with our experienced team for advice on feeding, dental care, grooming and overall general health.
Services We Provide In Store
- We offer a wide range of dog grooming services of varying duration, including:
- Emmipet Teeth Cleaning (By Appointment)
- Walk in Nail Clipping
- Walk in Eye Hair Trim (Neatening around the eye area)
- Walk in Pad Hair Trim (Removing hair from around the foot pads/toe area)
- Walk in Ear Plucking (Removing excess hair from inside the ear entrance/ear canal.)
- Massage
- Microchipping (By Appointment)